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quarta-feira, janeiro 14, 2015

Outlander | The best landscapes so far

Aye. Everybody know how beautiful Scotland is, but I couldn't avoid select the best shots in the series so far. So enjoy and don't forget that Outlander returns April 4, sassenachs :)

Todo mundo sabe o quão bonita é a Escócia, mas eu não podia deixar de selecionar as melhores imagens da série até agora.. Então, aproveite e não se esqueça que Outlander volta dia 4 de abril, sassenachs :)

Episode 101 - Sassenach

Episode 102 - Castle Leoch

Episode 103 - The Way Out

Episode 104 - The Gathering

Episode 105 - Rent

Episode 106 - The Garrison Commander

Episode 107 - The Wedding

Episode 108 - Both Sides Now

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